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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Dana Rohrabacher
U.S. Representative R-CA, Chairman, Foreign Affairs Subcommittee
CSPAN 08/09/2013
Rohrabacher: I think declaring what Mr.. Snowden did, by alerting the American people to over surveillance, on the part of our own government, of our population, to call him a traitor is going too far. In fact he was being loyal to the rest of us by letting the American people know that their government was getting out of hand.
Dana Rohrabacher
U.S. Representative R-CA, Chairman, Foreign Affairs Subcommittee
CSPAN 08/09/2013
Rohrabacher continued: And when our government suggests that it has to keep a record of every phone call every citizen makes in order to protect us, it has gone too far. Now the fact that Russia gave him asylum is very -- i think it is very symbolic. Russia, a country we attacked – and by the way, as you know, i was Ronald Reagan's speech writer for seven years. I worked with him on most if not many of his
Dana Rohrabacher
U.S. Representative R-CA, Chairman, Foreign Affairs Subcommittee
CSPAN 08/09/2013
Rohrabacher continued 2: see happening in our own society. Snowden was just alerting us to our governmental getting out of hand. And Russia accepting him for asylum, I think, was not as hostile an act as it is being portrayed.
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